Opening hours today for Dynacare

08:00 - 15:30

Open now, until 12:00
  • Monday (today): - -
  • Tuesday: - -
  • Wednesday: - -
  • Thursday: - -
  • Friday: -
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed


🕗 Dynacare hours in Laval, H7S 2M5

H7S 2M5 1885, rue Maurice Gauvin Laval, ca
T 450.669.4696, F 450.669.4234
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Specialty Services

Drugs - Non-DOT Urine
Drugs - DOT Urine

Holter Monitor

Who We Are (Dynacare At A Glance)
Dynacare (formerly Gamma-Dynacare Medical Laboratories) is one of Canada’s largest, most established health solutions companies with a history that spans more than 50 years. Headquartered in Brampton, Ontario, we have operations in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.


Nearest Dynacare stores, Dynacare IMSL

Pharmacy Suzanne Mehanna inc. of Laval, Laval

1435, boul. Saint-Martin Ouest Suite 202, 1.1 km

Open now, until 20:00

Yves Rocher Laval CENTRE, Laval

1600 BOUL. LE CORBUSIERS, 548.7 m

Open now, until 21:00

Dynacare Plein Ciel, St-Laurent

475, boul. de la Côte-Vertu, 6.7 km

Open now, until 12:30

Dynacare Avicienne, St-Laurent

6005, boul. Henri-Bourassa O, 5.7 km

Open now, until 12:30

Dynacare Samson, Laval

3-L, boul. Samson, 6.0 km

Open now, until 12:00